Is It Cheaper To Own Or Borrow A Tesla?

Typical Tesla Purchase Costs -

Typical Tesla Purchase Costs -

Gettings a Tesla: Own or Borrow?

Tesla’s are some of the coolest, most stylish cars on the road today. Unfortunately, they’re also one of the hardest to attain. Whether you’re on a long waitlist or just can’t afford the high price tag, getting your hands on one of the sleek electric vehicles can be exceedingly difficult. That’s where Borrow comes in.

What Borrow can do

With Borrow’s electric vehicle subscription platform, you can drive your own Tesla for a fraction of the cost of owning one and you won’t have to commit to a long 2 year lease. Our 3 and 6 month renewable short term leases are the perfect way to get behind the wheel of one of the hottest cars on the market. In essence, our short term leases function as a long term car rental that will allow you to “borrow” one of our Tesla’s and either renew or return the car once the lease is over. Not only are these leases flexible and convenient, but they’re also deliberately priced to be the best deal in town. Instead of putting a five figure dent in your bank account, Borrow’s Tesla offer starts as low as $1099/month.

Since flexibility and cost are taken care of, the only question left to answer is: why own a Tesla, when you can Borrow one?

by Jon Alain Guzik

Borrow is an electric vehicle subscription company with one goal: to make driving an EV as simple and accessible as possible. Borrow is the only electric vehicle subscription service of its kind with a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonizing the everyday drive.