Subscribing to a …. Vehicle?

The benefits of Vehicle Subscription

It is evident that subscription plans are becoming a norm, especially to the newer generation. The traditional way of things are either becoming too expensive or just don’t make sense or fit in with the modern day lifestyle.

One very common example of this switch is cutting cable TV for streaming subscriptions like Hulu or Netflix. Although everyone has their own reasons for either making this switch or just opting in for a streaming provider; I have many reasons for choosing the latter.

Those same reasons also makes sense for a vehicle. Having the ease of subscribing to a vehicle for a short time and at a great price would eliminate the pressure of getting ahold of a vehicle, which for many is a long-term commitment. I wouldn’t doubt an event where someone could get buyer’s remorse three months down the line of purchasing a vehicle. The options at that point would become more costly or overall just annoying.

Borrow is the best solution to the hardships of car ownership. Borrow is a subscription based service where we loan an electric vehicle to you for 3 or 6 months. During the duration of your subscription, you can own a car without all the hassles of traditional car ownership. We’re here to help you by taking off one less hassle that you have to worry about.

By Jon Alain Guzik

Borrow is an electric vehicle subscription company with one goal: to make driving an EV as simple and accessible as possible. Borrow is the only electric vehicle subscription service of its kind with a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonizing the everyday drive.

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