How to Save on Road Trips

photo: girl loving her road trip

Road trip money woes and how to avoid them

With the holidays around the corner, a road trip to the relative’s house or up to the mountains may be inevitable. While flying may take less time, road tripping is the best way to see all of the noteworthy sights along the way to your destination. Choosing to drive is probably the cheapest way to get where you’re going, but Borrow has a couple of tips to help increase the savings even further. Being cautious of your spending while on the road will not only make road tripping the least expensive way to travel, but also the most enjoyable way to travel.

While saving money may be at the forefront of your mind, sleeping in your car is never worth saving a couple of bucks. Not only is it dangerous, but a lack of decent sleep will make the road trip much less enjoyable. Instead, we at Borrow are focusing on more practical ways to save you money while on the road without you having to sacrifice comfort and safety.

Prepare your car for all those miles-

The worst possible scenario to occur on a road trip is being stuck with a broken-down vehicle and an exorbitant repair bill. Grant yourself some peace of mind by getting your car prepared for the journey before you depart. Changing out fluids, checking oil level and health, and examining brakes and rotors will not only ensure a safer ride, but it will also likely make the ride more comfortable. Windshield wipers are also crucial to examine, as rain, snow, dirt, and road debris can make a simple drive that much more difficult.

Buy inexpensive gas and make it last-

One of the largest expenses on any road trip, aside from lodging, is gas. It can eat up a budget if you are not conscientious about where all that gas is going. While you are probably going to earn diminished MPG averages from the sheer amount of people and cargo you’re carrying, you can make up for this in other ways. Keep A/C as low as you can without making passengers uncomfortable and turn off 4WD when it isn’t needed. Even something as simple as tire pressure can take a toll on miles per gallon on a long trip. Most smartphones have the ability to tell you where the cheaper gas stations are, and often times driving a minute or two will result in finding a cheaper gas station than those right off of the freeway exits.

Plan inexpensive activities beforehand-

Often times tourists get swindled into paying for expensive attractions that can be passed up for cheaper alternatives. You can still have fun for free! Simply enjoying the outdoors and the natural surrounding of where you are can be inexpensive and rewarding. Even in the heart of most metropolitan areas, beautiful parks and waterfronts can be found. Doing a bit of research beforehand, or even on your smartphone while on the trip, can unearth unique free spots, free local events, and seasonal markets and festivals. Especially during summer, where free concerts in parks and street fairs run amuck.

Limiting food expenditures-

Due diligence will definitely pay off here, as buying food in bulk before the trip, as well as packing a stove and some easily prepared meals, will definitely lead to some savings over the course of the trip. Gas stations along the route may look like they provide cheap snacks and drinks, but they are significantly marked up from their supermarket counterparts. Packing a cooler will avoid footing a couple of bills at restaurants.

Rent and RV-

Renting an RV is a great way to save money on lodging on a long trip. Aside from the cost of having to rent instead of taking your own car, RV’s can save you from paying expensive hotel rates. The savings become more significant in popular tourist destinations, and having an RV means you don’t have to worry about hotels selling out. RVs make the entire ride more enjoyable, as you have more space than cramming everyone into a smaller car or SUV.

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