It is more important to understand what you can’t afford than what you can when it comes to vehicle financing. Sticking to a pre-planned budget with a fixed maximum will help deter frivolous add-ons and leave room for other costs like registration and sales tax.
Read MoreRegardless of how you’re getting rid of your old vehicle, it is imperative to spend a bit of money investing in the car to maximize your return when you sell it. But which are important fixes that raise the value of the car and what can be left as-is?
Read MoreWith slightly used cars selling at much lower prices than their brand-new counterparts, buying a used car can be tempting. While bargains can be found on used vehicles, consumers looking for second-hand cars risk being accountable for a potentially costly car.
Read MoreNational Drive Electric Week descended upon Los Angeles, boasting hundreds of visitors, vendors, and automotive manufacturers all looking to promote more efficient transportation. Sponsored by Nissan USA, attendees got an exclusive viewing of the all-new next generation Nissan Leaf at one of its first public appearances in Los Angeles.
Read MoreIt's definitely a bit strange for us to be giving you tips on renting a car but we get it; sometimes Electric Vehicles just can't give you the range you want, and every so often you just need a quick set of wheels. Take a look at a few tips Borrow has compiled to help you save money on rental cars.
Read MoreWhile your insurance policy can be a silent drain on your bank account if you do not remain cognizant of what is affecting your premium. If you’re going to drive a vehicle, you have to have coverage, so why not enjoy a slimmer monthly payment?
Read MoreMechanics are basically always willing to work with you to get your vehicle back on the road as quickly as possible. It’s no secret they’re doing their job to make money, but don’t think everything they charge you for is a rip off. That doesn’t mean some services don’t cost more than they probably should.
Read MoreLet’s be honest, owning a car can get really pricey really quickly; you have to worry about gas, insurance, random car fees and even just general maintenance. Car owners spend thousands of dollars a year(on top of the cost of their vehicle) just to keep their ride on the road. Here at Borrow we’ve got your back though; here are five ways to save money while staying in a sexy ride!
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